This documentary presents panel and roundtable conversations with leading documentary filmmakers, artists and ethnographers about the future of visual anthropology. Recorded at Temple University, the targeted conversations raise questions, among others, of collaboration, aesthetics, uses of new media, and how to build a cross-disciplinary approach that bridges methods of the social sciences, humanities and fine arts. Uniquely, participants came together from across the disciplines to join in discussion about what the agenda for interdisciplinary visual anthropology might look like in this era of globalization. The responses range from the theoretically provocative to the practical. Participants include symposium panelists Phillip Alperson, Kelly Askew, Rebecca Baron, Michel Brault, Kathy Brew, Roderick Coover, Jayasinhji Jhala, Paul Stoller, and Lucien Taylor, as well as roundtable discussants Warren Bass, Noel Carroll, Kimmika Williams and others.